food safety


A4NH Director John McDermott served as a panelist at the recent seminar “The Future of Livestock: Enhancing Sustainability, Responsibility, and
Expanding a ministerial-level food safety working group to influence food safety policy and enhancing collaboration between government and food safety
One Health is a useful paradigm for framing complex public health issues. Applying its approaches contributes to improvements in animal
‘. . . Around 70 percent of all infectious diseases are zoonotic, moving from animals—usually livestock—to humans, through either contact
A new initiative that will address growing food safety concerns in Cambodia was recently unveiled in the country.
A two-day workshop, held 7 and 8 September, 2017, titled ‘Improving food safety along the pork value chain—lessons learned and ways forward,’
Data is much more than simply information: in expert hands, it is intelligence. The rapid growth in processing power and
Food Safety
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH), which is led by the International Food Policy Research
Food Safety
The workshop “Better Targeting Food Safety Investments in Low and Middle Income Countries,” hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on