Outcomes and Impacts


A4NH research is designed to contribute to three goals, or system-level outcomes (SLOs), set by CGIAR to reduce poverty, improve food and nutrition security for health, and improve natural resource systems and ecosystem services. As a research consortium, A4NH works with research partners and implementers from the public and private sector, including governments, civil society, businesses, donors, and others enabling action. Consideration is given to ensuring partner involvement in order to achieve development objectives. Researchers working in the program develop resources, information, and other material, and then work with partners to implement research into development actions.

Learn more about lessons learned and key program achievements from A4NH's 11-year history in this series of strategic briefs.

The A4NH Results Framework, below, describes our impact pathways, reflecting the different ways in which A4NH research activities and outputs, including knowledge, technologies, capacity, and stake-holder engagement, contribute to development outcomes. In some cases, A4NH research provides value chain actors with technologies and capacity to enhance and protect the nutritional content of foods, while mitigating key food safety risks (agri-food value chains pathway). We also provide evidence and tools to development implementers to increase the effectiveness of their nutrition- and health-sensitive agricultural programming (development programs pathway). Finally, we support governments and donors to improve an enabling environment and create better-in-formed, better-targeted, and better-implemented policies (policies pathway). While we seek to have impact through individual pathways, it is always with an eye toward how the changes in the pathway(s) will influence the system as a whole. The three path-ways are mutually reinforcing, with the policy pathway underlying and sustaining the other two.