(Cross-posted from HarvestPlus website.) DAVOS, Switzerland, January 23, 2014. HarvestPlus and World Vision today signed a MoU at the World
(Cross-posted from the IFPRI South Asia website, written by Vaishali Dassani.) The per capita demand for pulses is declining in
A4NH Homepage Feature
Around the world, one in eight people go to bed hungry every night despite there being enough food for everyone.
The CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) held its second annual Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) meeting
This week, Bioversity International announced the release of a free, open-access version of Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity
A4NH has enlisted the support of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences to conduct surveys to help inform our research
Only a few days remain to submit abstracts for the 4th Annual Research Conference hosted by the Leverhulme Centre for
A4NH Homepage Feature
From December 6-7, nearly 40 scientists representing 10 CGIAR Research Programs and their partners convened in Nairobi to discuss the
(Cross-posted on the PIM website.) How can research generate policy-relevant evidence? How can we increase the likelihood that evidence is used effectively