In June 2013, the influential Lancet Journal published a new Series on Maternal and Child Nutrition. A4NH researchers from the International Food Policy
The International Potato Center (CIP) is seeking a Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Specialist for a three-year project in West Africa
“[Food safety] is a crisis, but it’s a crisis with a solution.”   This is one of the many comments
This post was written by guest-blogger, Stuart Gillespie, Senior Researcher at IFPRI and a lead nutritionist with the CGIAR Research
How important is it to consider gender and empowerment as distinct development outcomes of agriculture research? If our research programs
(cross-posted from IFPRI.org)   Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 13, 2014—Poor countries and vulnerable people are facing a barrage of shocks:
New video on agriculture-nutrition pathways added to the A4NH Vimeo channel!   Exploring Agriculture-Nutrition Pathways from A4NH on Vimeo.  
Current systems research which focuses on improving resilience does not account for the nutrition and health of people. Furthermore, many
Agriculture associated diseases
In rapidly evolving food systems in Africa and Asia there is a crisis in confidence over the safety of foods.