

Food Systems Analysis
Maize makes up a significant portion of the diet in many parts of Zambia, and as demand for convenient snack
The Stories of Change in Nutrition initiative, funded by CIFF and DFID through Transform Nutrition, fills a key gap in
A4NH Homepage Feature
*Cross-posted with permission from the Bioversity International website. A 3-year research-for-development initiative in the Barotse floodplain, Zambia, supported by the CGIAR
In the Barotse floodplain of Zambia, families must migrate each year to farm at higher land as they escape the
Agnes Quisumbing (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI) recently participated in the 5th annual Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and
*Adapted from original blog post written by Minke Stadler on the Wageningen University website. What are nutrition-sensitive landscapes? The study
Many rural people derive their sustenance from sources embedded in their landscape – the cropland, pasture, trees, forests and rivers