

A January 2020 webinar by Jody Harris of the Institute for Development Studies presented the results of a scoping review on equity in ANH research.
Jody Harris of IDS will share results of this A4NH-funded study on how agriculture, nutrition, and health research addresses equity and how equity is understood in these critical areas of development work.
In presentations, posters, learning labs, and side events, ANH Academy Week explored many aspects of equity in agriculture, nutrition, and health research.
Gender is an integral component of agriculture, nutrition, and health, yet not all women (nor all men) are the same.
Agriculture-nutrition pathways
Gender is just one of the many social dimensions that make up an individual. In honor of International Women's Day,
decision making
The Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab’s Socioeconomic and Gender Equity Research team explores how gender-based inequalities and constraints impact
Equity and equality are important themes in food and nutrition, but the existing literature has only partially addressed these issues.