

A4NH Homepage Feature
Decisionmakers and investors across the global are interested in prioritizing nutrition and health, and many believe that agriculture has the
Agriculture associated diseases
(The following is an excerpt from the latest edition of Partners Magazine, published by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.
Agriculture associated diseases
(Cross-posted from ILRI website)   A4NH research partner, the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), has shared a new study, published
(Contributor: Marcia MacNeil, IFPRI)   The world has rallied around the importance of good nutrition during a child’s first 1000
Integrated programs and policies
A new set of technical briefs produced by the USAID-funded SPRING (Strengthening Partnerships, Results, and Innovations in Nutrition Globally) project examine
Central to post-2015 agenda discussions is the goal of eliminating extreme poverty by 2030. IFPRI is challenging whether this goal
(Cross-posted from the IFPRI South Asia website, written by Vaishali Dassani.) The per capita demand for pulses is declining in
This week, Bioversity International announced the release of a free, open-access version of Diversifying Food and Diets: Using Agricultural Biodiversity
A4NH Homepage Feature
(Washington, DC)- Aflatoxins—naturally occurring fungal toxins that contaminate grains and other crops— pose one of the world’s most significant food