

As A4NH moves into its second phase, Program Director John McDermott offers some insight into the program’s history and evolution,
The International Conference on Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition in Eurasia featuring the 2017 Global Food Policy Report will take
A4NH Homepage Feature
Since 1971, CGIAR has been responsible for some of the most innovative breakthroughs in agricultural research. The CGIAR Research Program
Food environments include the range of food sources and products that surround people as they go about their daily lives.
The Ministry of Agriculture in Bangladesh is implementing the three-year Agriculture, Nutrition, and Gender Linkages (ANGeL) Project, which aims to identify
Africa faces a triple burden of malnutrition: highly prevalent chronic malnutrition characterised by stunting; widespread micronutrient deficiencies; and rapidly increasing
A new discussion paper from the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) aims to present the centrality of nutrition in
A review of current evidence on the nutritional impact of iron-biofortified staple crops reinforces the findings and strength of the
Agriculture-associated diseases
A team of African leaders from Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda under the East Africa Community (EAC) have endorsed IITA’s