

Malnutrition, including micronutrient deficiency, is especially acute among women in India. Locally-grown produce may hold the key to improving diets.
“Hidden hunger,” or micronutrient deficiency, affects a large section of the Indian population, as it does in many developing countries. Biofortified staples can help improve diets.
Food Systems for Healthier Diets
Despite historically high levels of food production in India, undernutrition and micronutrient deficiencies persist. At present, 22.5 percent of adults
A study recently published in the Journal of Nutrition provides evidence biofortified high-iron pearl millet can stem the deleterious ripple effect
Food Systems for Healthier Diets
A good monsoon led to a rise in sowing and production of pulses in 2017, resulting in prices falling almost
The Stories of Change in Nutrition initiative, funded by CIFF and DFID through Transform Nutrition, fills a key gap in
This month on the Gender-Nutrition Idea Exchange, we speak to Sarah Kehoe (Senior Research Fellow at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology
This week, A4NH is joining together with IFPRI's Gender Task Force to host a seminar on Value Chains for Nutrition in Rural
All over the world, people are paying attention to the transformative role of women’s groups. Women, when organized in groups,