

Poor nutrition can cause young children to become stunted, that is, to be too short for their age. In fact,
Some 2 billion people suffer from hidden hunger caused by infections and diets lacking in essential micronutrients such as vitamin
*This blogpost was originally developed by Andrea Testa and adapted by Erica Roggio and Samantha Collins of Bioversity International. An
A4NH Homepage Feature
By Gero Carletto, Marie Ruel, Paul Winters, and Alberto Zezza Does agriculture matter for nutrition? Certainly, the amount and quality
In the Barotse floodplain of Zambia, families must migrate each year to farm at higher land as they escape the
Agriculture associated diseases
Under its food safety portfolio, A4NH is tackling one of the biggest threats to human health, nutrition, and livelihoods in
This is a series of stories from the field, written by US Borlaug Fellow, Alessandra Grasso, about her experience in
Mary Adoyo* is a Kenyan smallholder farmer in the Masana sub-location of Vihiga county in Western Kenya. She manages the
Platforms for collective goals Periodically, the African Union (AU) releases declarations by the Heads of AU Member States on national