

This week, A4NH is joining together with IFPRI's Gender Task Force to host a seminar on Value Chains for Nutrition in Rural
All over the world, people are paying attention to the transformative role of women’s groups. Women, when organized in groups,
A4NH Homepage Feature
*Cross-posted with permission from the Bioversity International website. A 3-year research-for-development initiative in the Barotse floodplain, Zambia, supported by the CGIAR
Blog written by Pete Shelton, IFPRI. Originally posted on IFPRI.org. Getting the right nutrition in the period between a child’s
  (Blog written by Grace Lerner, IFPRI. Originally posted on IFPRI.org.) The United Nations General Assembly declared 2016 the International
A4NH Homepage Feature
Improved nutrition and empowerment in Burkina Faso Researchers from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) completed a first-of-its-kind rigorous
A4NH Homepage Feature
Many of the foods people depend on most for their sustenance, especially in low and middle income countries, can carry
On October 29, 2015, the government of Bangladesh officially launched the project, Orienting Agriculture toward Improved Nutrition and Women’s Empowerment,
Agriculture-associated diseases
Despite being preventable, foodborne disease is becoming more common- especially in developing countries- and unfortunately, this trend is likely to